A downloadable game for Windows

Current version-1.7.0

In 2009 a girl named Jennifer was lost in an abandoned mineshaft. She was rescued by a brave man who studied the mine's history, but she was changed. That man disappeared without a trace...
In 2019 Jennifer's friend Randall came back to their hometown only to find it in shambles. He took down an evil cult and the demon they were attempting to ressurect. He and Jennifer fled to find a new life elsewhere.
Now in 2022, Jennifer is restless about her destiny. Why did this all befall her? How was her family related to the ancient past? Jen sets off alone to her great-grantparent's abandoned house. Her father grew up in that house, and it may hold the answers she seeks.
She will discover far more than she bargained for...

The final chaper of the CURSED trilogy! This game has a ton of new features!
-Same distinctive art style, but now in Widescreen and up to 120hz supported
-Investigate the house in any way you choose. Non-linear progression with tons to discover
-Look around every room and fight hideous creatures in full 360 degrees of rotation
-A fusion of combat and world. Everything is now real-time, so fight or flight, it's up to you
-Equip up to 4 items to quick-swap at any time for maximum readiness
-Many weapons to find and build gradual mastery of
-Gain stat points to improve Jennifer in whatever way you see fit
-Over 10 magic spells that can be used anytime with a new sigil-drawing mechanic
-Over a dozen intense boss fights to test your wits, skill, and reflexes
-A massive adventure with even more difficult puzzles, enemies, items, and ways to solve problems than ever
-Around 30 minutes of cutscenes tell the full story like never before (skippable for you speedrunners :))
-Over 10 hours of gameplay. New completion and playtime counters track your progress.
-The biggest baddest CURSED game I could possibly make by myself. I hope you enjoy it

CURSED SERIES discord: https://discord.gg/6fnRQc4SzN

Rated 4.9 out of 5 stars
(11 total ratings)
GenreAdventure, Puzzle
TagsFirst-Person, Horror, Pixel Art, Retro, shadowgate, Singleplayer, Survival Horror


Cursed 3.zip 133 MB

Development log


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Absolutely Loved Cursed 3, had some capture issues with the game but eventually found a way, had a few interesting glitches and trying to play the game in windowed mode my mouse kept going through the other screen when swinging the sword, Thank you so much for making such an amazing game series 

i have this game via steam but i do wish i could use a controller properly on it. Im not a fan of keyboard and mouse controls and i do not have a good setup for those kinds of controls. Otherwise. this game seems like it couldbe fun.

yeah i'm sorry it's not more compatible in that way, but point and clicks generally don't translate to controllers well.



hello guy see the bob lennon game play and y want to tell your game is perfect ubisoft donc do a game like that im just in love of cursed 1 2 3 



(2 edits)

Hi, just wondering if there is a cursed 4 in the making. I know this is the final but I was maybe hoping there was a chance for another one in the making, not like a cursed 4 but maybe like another game from you? I loved the cursed series and hope to see more :)

no theres no 4, but theres spinoffs possible in the future

helo every budy can i ask how to get play cruesd 3 for windows 7 that can play or not thank you

I haven't tested it but I imagine it should work. If it doesn't maybe try in administrator mode.

thank bro i like you game me fans you from malaysia

I was wondering what engine did you use to make the curse games?

all 3 were made in gamemaker8.0 from  around 2009

Alright cool, Your games inspired to make a game like this lol so wasn't sure if it was gamemaker or unity. I don't know how to code so trying to find the best path for making a game with lack of coding.

how do we explore it tho?

(1 edit)

Hi so i am really enjoying this game, but the game tends to crash a lot. Do you know how to fix this issue?

I have seen reports that running in administrator mode, or win xp compatability have worked for some

Quite a coincidence that this released 17 days ago  because I just saw a 5 year old Cursed 2 gameplay on youtube yesterday.                                and I decided "woah this game looks fun" and then I finished Cursed 2 by the help of the gameplays on youtube.                                            after finishing it I was itching for more but then a thought came to my mind "Isn't this game more than 5 years old they probably stopped" but the game's name is cursed 2 so I decided to go to Itch.io and clicked DisasterSquad's profile to check all the games he's made and the Cursed 1 I was looking for but I was surprised that he was still active and Cursed 3 released 17 days ago!! 

I have been waiting for this game for about 2 years and dropped everything I was doing to play this once I found out you released this. I was blown away by Cursed 2 and it's one of my favorites on this site. Cursed 3 is fantastic with great RPG elements, beautiful graphics, challenge, and enemies and bosses that feel unique from each other. I have gotten the true ending and was surprised where you went with it, but I was glad I got to experience it.

The puzzles in general were challenging and I had to really work my brain to figure out what to do next. With no guide at the time I am writing this, I was completely on my own and am glad for it since my progress felt much more rewarding every time I figured it out (never did figure out the super slider puzzle). The story really ramped up toward the end and it was interesting to see much more of the lore we got a glimpse of from the first game. It was cool to see the 3 games tie together and I feel this was a nice send off for the trilogy. 

However, there a few things I will address on the downside. The cutscene before the true final boss is glitched and will loop. Skipping it will have the game glitch out but mine eventually fixed and I got to resume the fight. The music always kept looping during the ring attacks. The midnight danger is an interesting idea, but I ended up just barricading myself in the bathroom every time, so it just felt like something I had to sit through rather than a real threat I truly needed to prepare for. The currency system makes the game way too easy since ammo never becomes a problem anymore. 

Speaking of too easy, the pot lid shield is broken. Most enemies can be countered by quick switching to it. It might have been better to not include the shield other than the later part of the game and encourage players to go for stuns to survive encounters. Lastly, the shadow monster never feels like a true threat since ignoring him works. Maybe he should have been the threat you need to hide from.

Overall, I really enjoyed my time playing this game and hope it gets the love and attention it deserves. This is certainly one of my favorites. It's a great horror game with quite a few jumps, fun gameplay, and classic puzzles. Cheers to you and I am looking forward to your next projects.

(3 edits)

Hi there! Thanks a million for playing. I have the feeling that the skipping sound effects thing happens when you play For a long time and get through a large portion of the game in one sitting.. I've had it happen to me while testing once or twice. I think it's a limitation with the memory management of game maker 8. But when I restart the game it refreshes the ram and then it never happens so I hope the ending played out correctly for you. I'll have to take a look at the skip function on that final thing .I thought I had it all working.

Hi. I've been following your games ever since I saw a streamer play the first 'Cursed'. The amount of effort you put into this one, in particular, really shows. Everything from the new mechanics to the story had me drawn to this game for the better part of this Sunday (read: 12 hours straight). And I don't know if it was your intention, but the MS-paint style and campy dialogue make for a nostalgic experience--I basically feel like a kid playing a point-n-click on Newgrounds again. IDK if you'll see this but a couple of things I was wondering:

1) Do you take donations/ko-fi?

2) Is there a way to manually reload without having to wait for it to finish the clip?

3) I have 4 pink crystals and the giant key, but not too sure on where to go from here. A point in the right direction would be much appreciated.

(1 edit)

Hi there thank you so much for playing!  I'm good without donations I'm happy keeping my games all free :)  There's no way to reload without squeezing the trigger unfortunately.  Did you go into the ruins underneath the garage?



I just finished my playthrough of Cursed 2 and absolutely loved it. I'm really looking forward to this!

Hey everyone, just a small update on how the game is going. After 2 years in development off and on, I am getting very close to the end. I wanted to be done by the end of summer, but that was optimistic. September seems doable still, but with my job and what is left to finish, I think an October release is most likely. Seems fitting to release during spooky month as well. Hope you can all play it soon

Are there any more updates? I loved Cursed 2 so much and I have been hoping for Cursed 3

Hello there, yeah I'm still working on it hard got a lot of good feedback from the testing phase now I'm just finishing up some of the last 25% of the game over the summer. I'm hoping for the end of summer release

Any updates on the full game?

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Hi I'm still chugging away at it when I'm not at work. It's going well still got a lot of work to do. but  this month I am going to be giving a few people a version that's about 75% to the main ending so they can give me feedback on any mechanics,bug,  graphics ,fixes. 

P.s. this game is gigantic compared to my last ones